Diy ointments with infused oils and essential oils

Making an ointment based on plant extracts and essential oils can be an excellent homemade remedy for treating minor skin issues such as irritations, small abrasions, localized redness, and more. Using household tools, common ingredients, along with essential oils and extracts of medicinal plants (for example, infused oils), you can quickly create “do-it-yourself” remedies to […]

St. John’s wort oleolite: a natural resource for our four-legged friends

Hypericum perforatum, better known as St. John’s Wort or Tutsan, is one of the most studied and well-known medicinal plants for its effects: topical soothing and healing, and oral antidepressant. The first researcher to study it was Professor Norman Robson in 1968, who was fascinated by its morphology. Of this perennial plant, belonging to the […]

Walnut: majestic tree with countless properties

Juglans regia L., Juglandaceae family, is a majestic tree standing tall at 10-25 meters. Originally from the East, it is cultivated in temperate regions worldwide. A monoecious plant, with unisexual flowers on the same individual, it has deciduous, compound, and alternate leaves. Flowers develop before the leaves, in April-May: males in long pendulous catkins, females […]

Ivy anticellulite oil

How to prepare an excellent natural anticellulite remedy at home with proven effectiveness? Just two simple ingredients: Ivy leaves and extra virgin olive oil. Ivy (Hedera helix L.) is a climbing shrub commonly found attached to other trees, walls, or rocks. Its name derives from the Latin haerere, meaning “to be attached”; in ancient times, […]

Helichrysum, the golden sun

Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don, commonly known as Helichrysum, is a strongly aromatic plant widespread throughout the peninsula, especially in the Apennines and along the coastal areas. During a summer stroll, we’ve all likely experienced being enveloped in a scent reminiscent of licorice…it’s indeed the essence that characterizes this extraordinary wild plant with golden-colored flowers. […]

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