Scented bags with dried herbs and essential oils

Published on August 8, 2014 - Home

All we need are dried flowers and herbs, pounded spices, some essential oils and a small bag of light fabric.

A valid and natural aid to perfume wardrobes and drawers but also to keep moths and insects away thanks to the presence of natural essences, excellent repellents for unwanted little guests!

The perfumed bags are of very ancient origin, especially used in Asia Minor, ancient Egypt and in some populations of East Africa.

Initially they looked like bunches of dried flowers and herbs, tied together and soaked in perfumed oils.

They were hung in the home mainly for religious purposes and to protect the family and home from evil spirits.

The magical meaning of these “perfumed” bags gradually gave way to considerations of a mainly practical but above all hedonistic character, since in the 18th century it was even used to fix them between the folds of ladies’ skirts.

But let’s see how they can be prepared in a very simple and creative way.


As already mentioned, dried and crumbled flowers and aromatic herbs or even chopped spices can be used and, to keep the scent alive, we will enrich the bags with essential oils.

It’s important to also use a fixative to keep the essence and prevent it from evaporating immediately.

For example, Iris root powder can be added as well as simple rice flour.

Preparation method

About 180 g are needed to fill a regular shaped bag of preparation then just multiply the number by the number of bags you want to prepare.

After making the appropriate calculations, combine the various ingredients in a bowl and mix with a wooden spoon.

The preparation will consist of approximately:

60% herbs, flowers, dried citrus fruits

40% of any spices and fixing powder

2 to 5 drops of essential oil

The mixture is placed in an airtight container and left to rest for a few days, turning it occasionally so as to impregnate all the material used with the essential oil.

After a few days you can proceed to fill the bags with tulle or light cotton.

And now you just have to create the most suitable bag for you!

Warm perfume (insect repellent)

150 g of dried mandarin peels (can also be dried on the radiator)

A few grains of pepper

20 g of fixative (iris powder or rice flour) 5 drops of Lavender essential oil (to be applied directly on the tangerine peels)

Intense perfume (pesticide)

130 g of Thyme and Mint

20 g bergamot peel (or lemon or grapefruit)

10 g Nutmeg

20 g of fixative

2 drops of Bergamot essential oil

Citrus perfume

60 g of lemon balm leaves

60 g of lavender flowers

20 g of pounded cloves

40 g of fixative

5 drops of lemon essential oil

Moroccan perfume

150 g of rose petals

5 cloves

20 g of fixative

2 drops of Patchouli oil

Other articles that may interest you:

Aromatic water or floral waters; what are they?

Essential oils: wellness in home

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