Potentilla: uses, properties, and tradition

Published on April 20, 2018 - Medicinal Plants

Belonging to the Potentilla genus are Tormentilla (Potentilla erecta (L.) Rausch.) and Argentina (Potentilla anserina L.) – Rosaceae Family.

Potentilla anserina is an herbaceous plant with pinnate leaves, up to 25 cm long (each leaf is divided into 11-25 leaflets of varying sizes), and bright yellow, long-pedicled 5-petal flowers. The plant is widespread in temperate regions and Eastern European countries.

Potentilla tormentilla has basal leaves that are 3-5 palmate-parted and several stems with leaves, bearing numerous yellow flowers; the rhizome is red upon fracture, hence the German name for the plant: Blutwurz (blood root). It is mainly found in submontane and alpine regions.

The German Commission E provides two monographs, one for the leaves and flowers of P. anserina, which must contain at least 2% tannins, and the other for the rhizome of P. tormentilla.

Functional substances: tannins (in Tormentilla, the content reaches 15-20%), flavonoids, and saponins.

Properties: they have vasoprotective activities (tannins, flavonoids), modification of the permeability of the gastrointestinal membrane with influences on intestinal bacterial flora, stimulation of insulin secretion, as well as spasmolytic and anti-inflammatory properties (saponins).

Pharmacological applications: as anti-inflammatories and spasmolytics in enterocolitis, gastroenteritis, and general dysenteries. Potentilla is beneficial for females as it stimulates and acts as a uterine antispasmodic (Haupstein, Schneider). Vascular protective. Useful as a mouthwash for inflammation of the oropharyngeal cavity.

Traditional uses: Potentillas are the most common tannic astringents in European folk tradition. Used in decoction for external use in wound dressing, they were often combined with others (Chamomile, Mallow, etc.) to create effective mouthwashes for oropharyngeal infections. Widely used as antidiarrheals.

Potentilla anserina was used as an adjunct in tetanus therapy. Potentilla tormentilla, due to its high tannin content, is also responsible for an analgesic effect. Paracelsus recommended the plant for toothaches. Johann Künzle, herbalist pastor (1857-1945), wrote: “loose teeth will regain stability by gargling with Potentilla water for 8 days. For this purpose, mix the powder obtained from the plant’s root with boiling water.” Potentilla also yields a pigment that imparts a beautiful intense red color.

Contraindications: in cases of gastritis and ulcers.

Uses: For internal use:

Powder (painful menstruation): 3-6 cachets (oral pharmaceutical form, shaped like a small wafer or capsule) per day, each 0.50 grams.

Start 3 days before, continue for 5-6 days (Jean Valnet).

A good way to administer Tormentilla is with the following wine:

– Crushed Tormentilla root 70 grams

– Port wine 1000 grams

Let it macerate for 8 days; filter. 60 to 120 grams per day (Leclerc).

Cosmetic use: Tormentilla extracts constitute a valid local substitute for exotic Ratania or Hamamelis. Fluid or glycolic extracts are mostly used, in doses up to 5%, in shampoos, lotions, masks, and emulsions for oily skin and hair (Proserpio et al.).


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