Immortelle essential oil: uses and properties

Published on September 23, 2022 - Aromatherapy

Propietà ed usi dell'olio essenziale di elicriso

The golden yellow flower of Immortelle has always evoked significant reverence, being closely tied to sun worship.


This plant was considered a symbol of eternity due to the intense and vivid color of its flowers, which persists even when the plant dries, creating the illusion of lasting forever. It is aptly called “everlasting” and even referred to as “the immortal” in France. Its flowers are widely used for decorations, not to mention its extensive use in herbalism and the long-standing knowledge in folk tradition. Extensive information about its use comes from the Greeks, but Immortelle was already known in the time of the Egyptians, who depicted it in many paintings and used it to create garlands for statues of gods. Used since antiquity as a medicinal herb for skincare, this aromatic plant contains an essential oil with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties.


Let’s delve deeper into the benefits and uses of this essential oil, obtained through steam distillation of the flowering tops of Immortelle.


Uses and properties of immortelle essential oil


Psychological Benefits: It is an essential oil that combats depression, nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, and states associated with stress. When used by inhalation, it helps dissolve psychological blocks, especially those formed during childhood. A blend of essential oils with emotional balancing action can include Bergamot, Geranium, and Immortelle.


It is an excellent essential oil for individuals who often have their heads “in the clouds,” helping them stay grounded. As an essential oil linked to the alchemical earth element, it symbolizes the roots of a plant, as well as the foundation of our body and its connection to the earth.


Dermatology: It is an excellent essential oil for various skin issues. Applied to the body and face, it helps counteract dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema (including allergic origin), skin inflammations, couperose, spots, blisters, acne, and boils.


As a skin regenerator, adding 1-2 drops to an anti-wrinkle face mask or cream is sufficient.


It has a high soothing, refreshing, and healing power. In addition to sunburns, it aids in cases of stretch marks, keloids, and challenging scarring. It can be used for this purpose as diluted essential oil in a carrier vegetable oil, as well as the oleolite obtained by macerating the flowering tops of the plant in vegetable oil, or the concentrated decoction of the plant in balneotherapy.


It has a strong detoxifying power due to its stimulating effect on excretory organs, thus improving the function of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, where it also performs an excellent decongestant action. It can be used for this purpose in the form of massage oil, or in muds and wraps for the legs.


Against hematomas, traumas, bruises, ecchymoses, and contusions, it is among the most effective essential oils, considered the Arnica of essential oils. For this purpose, a mixture can be prepared with 50 ml of Arnica oleolite and 20 drops of Immortelle essential oil, to be applied as needed to bruises and contusions, massaging it onto the affected area.


On hair and scalp, it is useful as a dermopurifying agent and to counteract oily hair and dandruff. It also adds brightness to both hair and skin.


Well-being: Immortelle essential oil combats pain, muscle aches, rheumatism, muscle strains, and is therefore useful in combination with other essential oils (such as Eucalyptus, Rosemary, and Wintergreen) for localized massages on painful joints and muscles.


It is also beneficial for respiratory issues, influenza, colds, bronchitis, cough, rhinitis, and sinusitis, acting as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, as well as an expectorant and antitussive. 4-5 drops in an ambient diffuser are excellent for disinfecting and helping to breathe better in case of respiratory tract infections.


Recommendations on the use of immortelle essential oil


Remember that essential oils, in general, are highly concentrated compounds, and even a small dose can cause undesired effects. In case of internal use, it is always advisable to consult an expert and your doctor. Be cautious in cutaneous use because, being molecules of small size, they are easily absorbed by our skin, and excessive dosages can lead to dermatitis. They should not be used on damaged skin and should not come into contact with mucous membranes and eyes, as they can cause irritation.

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