Diy solid perfume: recipe and preparation

Published on February 24, 2020 - Aromatherapy

Spring and summer are seasons that put me in a great mood, make me creative, and above all, smell great. I don’t have a favorite perfume to wear, and the few times I’ve fallen in love with one in particular…poof! It becomes discontinued! So, I said to myself, why not make it myself?

There are various ready-made alcoholic bases on the market in which to insert fragrances and customize your own perfume, but I prefer another version: solid perfume.

Solid perfume? What is it?

It is a product created with only fats such as waxes and vegetable oils, and fragrances of course; free of alcohol, very convenient to carry, much cheaper than traditional perfume, and applicable by hand on both hair and skin.

Shall we prepare it together?

You will need:

4.5 grams of Sweet Almond Oil or Grapeseed Oil

3 grams of Shea Butter

1.5 grams of Beeswax

5 drops of Strawberry fragrance

5 drops of Coconut fragrance

1 grams of Vitamin E


  • Weigh the beeswax and melt it at 65 degrees Celsius.
  • Add the Shea butter to the melted beeswax.
  • Also add the vegetable oil to the melted beeswax and Shea butter.
  • Remove the container from the heat source and monitor the temperature.
  • When it reaches 38-40 degrees Celsius, you can add the fragrances. I chose Strawberry and Coconut, but the fragrances are infinite, and I recommend choosing those labeled hypoallergenic.
  • Let it cool down, and before it solidifies completely, add the Vitamin E.
  • Transfer to a small container and let it solidify.

Let us know if you will try this recipe!

Until the next time!


National Vice Coordinator of CONELS

and Registered Herbalist at RNEP no. GLT0057S

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