Sloe liqueur and syrup: how to prepare them at home

Published on August 31, 2017 - Food

Come preparare liquore e sciroppo al prugnolo in casa

Sloe liqueur is a typical digestif from the province of Piacenza, known locally as “bargnolino“. A variation of this beverage is traditionally crafted in the Marche region, particularly in the provinces of Pesaro and Urbino, where it’s called “lacrima di spino nero“. This version incorporates vernaccia grapes and other berries into the maceration process.

The Prugnolo fruits used for preparation are harvested immediately after the first winter frosts.


– 1 liter of alcohol

– 0.5 liter of water

– 600 grams of sugar

– 500 grams of Prugnolo fruits

– 5 cloves

– 1 piece of cinnamon bark


Place the fruits in a jar with the spices and alcohol, allowing them to macerate in the dark for forty days. After maceration, prepare a syrup and add it to the alcoholic macerate, letting it sit for an additional two weeks. Remember to stir the mixture at least every two days. After this rest period, filter the liqueur until the liquid is clear.

Allow it to age for at least four weeks before enjoying.



500 grams sloes

500 grams sugar


Wash and dry the fruits, then seal them in an airtight jar with sugar.

Store in a warm, dry place and shake the jar occasionally until the sugar completely dissolves.

After several months, filter and bottle the syrup.

Sloe syrup is excellent as a refreshing beverage when diluted with water and for flavoring granitas, desserts, and ice creams.


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