Diy ointments with infused oils and essential oils

Published on May 26, 2021 - Aromatherapy


Making an ointment based on plant extracts and essential oils can be an excellent homemade remedy for treating minor skin issues such as irritations, small abrasions, localized redness, and more.

Using household tools, common ingredients, along with essential oils and extracts of medicinal plants (for example, infused oils), you can quickly create “do-it-yourself” remedies to apply directly to the skin.

Let’s discover how to make some of these simple and beneficial preparations.

Soothing ointment:

This ointment is formulated to have a beneficial effect against skin irritation and redness, for small abrasions or cracks on the hands, and also for localized inflammations on the arms and legs.

Ingredients for 100 grams of ointment:

– 36 grams St. John’s Wort infused oil

– 50 grams Helichrysum infused oil

– 9 drops Chamomile essential oil

– 25 drops real Lavender essential oil

– 4 drops Rose Damascena essential oil

– 12 grams Beeswax


Melt the beeswax in a double boiler until it’s completely dissolved, add St. John’s Wort and Helichrysum infused oils, mixing and blending well. Remove from heat and wait for the oils to cool slightly before adding the essential oils to avoid losses through the evaporation of volatile molecules.

Add the Lavender essential oil, then Chamomile, and finally Rose, mixing thoroughly. Pour the liquid preparation into small glass jars and let it solidify. Once the ointments have cooled, seal the jars tightly, label them, and store in a cool place.

Pain-relieving ointment:

This ointment is formulated to have a beneficial effect against joint and muscle pain, mild bruises, and swelling, serving as an analgesic for localized bruises and strains, for example, on knees, ankles, and beyond.

Ingredients for 100 grams of ointment:

– 40 grams St. John’s Wort infused oil

– 46 grams Juniper infused oil

– 17 drops Wintergreen essential oil

– 15 drops Frankincense essential oil

– 21 drops Rosemary essential oil

– 8 drops Ravintsara essential oil

– 12 grams Beeswax


Melt the beeswax in a double boiler until it’s completely dissolved, add St. John’s Wort and Juniper infused oils, mixing and blending well. Remove from heat and wait for the oils to cool slightly before adding the essential oils to avoid losses through the evaporation of volatile molecules.

Add the Wintergreen essential oil, then Frankincense and Rosemary, and finally Ravintsara, mixing thoroughly. Pour the liquid preparation into small glass jars and let it solidify. Once the ointments have cooled, seal the jars tightly, label them, and store in a cool place.


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