Depurative plants: what they are and where they act

Published on September 18, 2014 - Medicinal Plants

The utilization of detoxifying herbs proves even more effective and advantageous when consumed as herbal tea or decoction, as water and hydration inherently aid in eliminating potentially harmful substances from our bodies.

Below are the principal detoxifying plants according to traditional Mediterranean medicine, indicating the main excretory organ toward which their action is primarily directed. It is important to note that by excretory organ, we mean the apparatus that carries out the physiological detoxification processes of the body.

Depurative plants for the liver and intestines:

Plants with a targeted effect on the liver are primarily employed, as the liver’s functionality is crucial for the proper functioning of the intestines and the body overall.

The liver is considered the primary excretory organ, and ensuring its optimal function means increasing the protection of our bodies from toxic substances and enhancing bile excretion.

Excellent results have been achieved with the use of medicinal plants such as Milk Thistle, Turmeric, Dandelion, and Artichoke.

These plants complement the detoxifying action by promoting regular intestinal transit and reducing inflammatory and spasmodic conditions.

Positive effects are also seen from carminative plants, which improve digestive processes and reduce intestinal gas, such as Fennel, Anise, Mint, Cumin, etc.

Depurative plants for the kidneys:

These are plants with significant diuretic action that also aid in the elimination of salts, nitrogenous substances (urea and uric acid), and other substances resulting from cellular catabolism.

Renal purification is recommended primarily as a preventive measure for individuals predisposed to kidney stone formation, a condition that seriously compromises kidney function and detoxification processes. Moreover, it is crucial for combating water retention, which, over time, leads to the accumulation of toxic substances.

Plants with these properties include Horsetail, which also has a remineralizing effect, Elecampane, Dandelion, Winter Cherry, Ash, Restharrow, Couch Grass, and Mouse-ear Hawkweed.

Many of these plants also have antibacterial activity and can play a significant role in protecting against urinary tract infections.

Among these, we will also remember Bearberry, Marshmallow, and Goldenrod leaves.

Depurative plants for the skin:

Skin disorders often reflect internal imbalances; hence, it’s essential to focus on plants that act directly on internal organs like the liver, bringing visible and beneficial effects on the skin.

It should be noted that improved liver function results in better elimination of unnecessary or harmful substances, less strain on the intestines and kidneys, and consequently, overall skin well-being.

Therefore, specific plants for liver health, such as Milk Thistle, are often recommended to combat skin issues.

Direct action often involves improving circulation, particularly microcirculation, to ensure better nutrient supply to the dermis and regulate sebum secretion.

Plants specific to these purposes include Burdock, Wild Pansy, Fumitory, and Rosemary.

Often, plants with emollient and anti-inflammatory actions like Marigold and Yarrow are also combined.


Depurative plants for the lungs:

Pulmonary detoxification involves using medicinal plants that act as expectorants, balsamics, and anti-inflammatories to ensure good tissue oxygenation and prevent microbes, dust, environmental pollutants, etc., from remaining in contact with the respiratory epithelium for too long.

Examples of such plants include Elecampane, Pine (buds), and Myrtle.

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